Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey, you stole my title......

You can say I arrived late on the scene.

Just when I finally had this great idea for a title of my blog-to-be, I find out the title's been taken, by another mom of three and a copy editor. Now, that's tough competition. (Other mom's title: "Diary of a Wimpy Mom") But I'm such a wimpy mom that rather than fight this other mom on the rights to the title I thought of years ago, I challenge her to my new status as "the wimpiest mom."

You'd think that birthing three kids (two girls and a boy), one of whom is squarely a teen now, and the others trailing the oldest by a few years, would elevate me to the status of being "the bravest mom." But in my house where five is enough, sometimes I am truly a wimp, and sometimes I pretend to be a wimp. It's up to my kids and long-suffering hubby to figure out when I am a genuine wimp and when I am not.

"Diary of a Wimpy Kid" is my son's favorite book series. He and the rest of the family had gone to see the movie when it came out, and I embarrassed my kids totally by LMAO...My teen daughter, who had the foresight to sit two seats to my left, kept sending messages via her brother, seated to my immediate left, to keep it down. But I paid for the tickets and it was my night out, and I felt I had every right under the mostly dimmed theater lights to laugh loudly to my heart's desire. My kids still want me to take them to the movies but I think my teen will sit at a far distance. God forbid anyone should think I am her mother. My younger two still think the world of me, for now.

Meanwhile, this is the first of my many postings, God willing, and I hope you'll join me for the ride as I raise three wonderful kids and the big baby (my hubby), work full-time, engage in many many hobbies (cooking, reading, bicycling among others), live life and figure out when to be a real wimp...



  1. Awesome start! Can't wait to read more. You're inspiring me to get writing too!

  2. I love this. Look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

  3. Hey,cool blog. Mom of Three Kids who reads, cooks and bicycles. How much hipper can you get? All the best with your new hobby - blogging. Just don't blog anything that I would.

  4. This is a great blog very funny :)

  5. Welcome to the blogosphere! Love the soothing colors.


  6. I have to say....I'm intrigued....:)

  7. From one mom of three to another, I'm eagerly anticipating what I can expect as my own start hitting teenage years. Clo (remember my copyediting tag?)

  8. Hi Mini Aunty!! This is your niece Lauren! This is such a cool blog! Just saying, you are embarrassing your daughter even MORE!!! I hope you blog even more! :)

  9. I finally got a chance to check out your blog. Good stuff! I'm looking forward to more. (Cindy K.)
